

News 23 May 2023
ASOIU signs Memorandum with Bahçeşehir University

On May 23, a delegation led by the rector of Bahçeşehir University, Prof. Şirin Karadeniz has visited Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The guests met with Prof. Mustafa Babanli, the rector of ASOIU. At the meeting attended by ASOIU's teaching staff, Prof. Mustafa Babanli, the rector, gave detailed information about the history of the University he headed, the development path, and the current modern education and training system. Informing the guests about the international relations and scientific achievements of ASOIU, Prof. M. Babanli, the rector brought to the attention that there is close cooperation with several prestigious higher education institutions of the world and with educational institutions of the fraternal country. 

Prof. Mustafa Babanli expressed his hope that the cooperation with Bahçeşehir University would yield a successful result for both universities at the meeting held in a friendly atmosphere. Speaking about the prospective projects to be implemented together, he emphasised specific goals to the participants. 

Noting that he is delighted to be at ASOIU, the oldest and leading higher education institution of Azerbaijan, Prof. Şirin Karadeniz, the rector of Bahçeşehir University, said that she has sufficient information about this University, it's history and qualified engineering personnel. Prof. Ş. Karadeniz gave detailed information about Bahçeşehir University and noted that the educational institution headed by her, despite its young age, has achieved considerable success as an engineering profile educational institution at the event. She also expressed her confidence cooperation with ASOIU, a leading university with other engineering profiles, would yield high results. 

The meeting discussed cooperation issues between ASOIU and Bahçeşehir University, including joint scientific work, coordination of educational programs, and exchange of students and teachers. In the end, the parties signed a Memorandum to ensure cooperation in these and other areas.
