

News 23 May 2023
ASOIU hosts “Between Dreams and Reality” play

On May 23, AzII Theater Club performed the play “Between Dreams and Reality”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of great leader Heydar Aliyev at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). 

Opening the event, Surayya Nagiyeva, head of ASOIU protocol service, welcomed the participants on behalf of the AzII Theater Club and said that the performance was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev. She noted that inspired by the great leader who called the youth the future of Azerbaijan; they decided not only to advance along the path of science and education but also to use the magic power of the theatre to educate them. 

Then the 7-part play “Between Dreams and Reality” staged by ASOIU students was demonstrated. Although there were students studying engineering and technical direction in the roles, they managed to create exciting and dynamic images from each other with great enthusiasm. The play emphasises the importance of science and knowledge through the students’ roles, presents the ignorance that continues in the 21st century, in the age of modern technologies, and also the need of young people for science and education to promotion of the name of Azerbaijan at a high level. It should be noted the scriptwriter of the play is Vafa Abbasova, a teacher in the Humanities Department. The performance, created with serious hard work and a professional approach, presented by students with high skill, was met with great interest and applause by the audience. 
