

News 23 May 2023
Netcad Technology Center opened at ASOIU

On May 23, the Netcad Technology Center was opened at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). At the event, attended by Prof. Mustafa Babanli, the rector of ASOIU, Deniz Şenan, Chief Executive Officer of Netcad Yazlim company, Yakup Sefer, counsellor of the Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan, academic staff of the university and other guests, the opening ribbon of the centre was cut.

Speaking at the event, which continued at the round table, Prof. Mustafa Babanli, the ASOIU rector, thanked everyone who contributed to the centre's establishment. Talking about the current education and training process at ASOIU, the rector informed the guests about the history of geological science and the development stages of geology at the university, including mining geology. Noting that the new centre is suitable not only for the field of geology but also for IT and other areas following the broad capabilities of the company, the rector, Prof. Mustafa Babanli, addressing teachers and students, advised them to make the most of the centre's capabilities.

Deniz Şenan, CEO of Netcad Yazlim company and Yakup Sefer, counsellor of the Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan, conveyed their contentment with the opportunity to be present at ASOIU and to establish this centre in this institution.

Recalling the close cooperation with Azerbaijan for 15 years, Deniz Şenan, presenting information about the company he heads, brought to the attention of the participants that they have ties with many countries and that they attach particular importance to cooperation with fraternal Azerbaijan, including its leading higher educational institution ASOIU. He expressed hope that the opening of the new centre will be helpful and valuable first for the university and then for Azerbaijan.


The event also featured a video reflecting the company's activities in many areas.
