

News 25 May 2023
Delegation of Saint Petersburg Mining University visited ASOIU

On May 24-25, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a meeting with a delegation of employees from the Saint Petersburg Mining University of the Russian Federation as part of their scientific collaboration efforts.

Prof. Latafat Gardashova, ASOIU Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, t.e.d. Gahraman Hasanov, deputy Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, Rauf Aliyarov director of the Scientific-research Institute "Geotechnological Problems of Oil, gas and chemistry" under ASOIU, University academic staff and representatives of the Saint Petersburg Mining University attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guests, Prof. L.Gardashova, Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, provided an overview of the educational processes and highlighted the primary areas of scientific research conducted at the university. Furthermore, she discussed the achieved results and ongoing challenges.

The representatives from St. Petersburg Mining University expressed their keen interest in the research conducted at ASOIU, recognising its alignment with their areas of interest. They emphasised the importance of collaborative efforts and suggested establishing joint action programs to address the issues discussed during the meeting. Consequently, it was mutually agreed to initiate work on developing a comprehensive joint action program.

Additionally, the visiting delegation had the opportunity to meet with ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, to discuss matters related to cooperation issues. During this meeting, the rector provided the guests with comprehensive information about the university, expressing his endorsement of the outcomes derived from the two-day deliberations and offering recommendations for joint activities and future cooperation.

Subsequently, the guests were given a tour of the university's history and mineralogical museums and the AzII E-Book House.
