

News 27 May 2023
ASOIU hosts meeting with Chemical Technology Faculty alumni

On May 27, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organised a meeting with alumni of the Faculty of Chemical Technology.

The meeting, organised by Sakit Samadov, ASOIU's Rector's Advisor on University-Industrial Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, in conjunction with the Chemical Technology Faculty, provided an opportunity to emphasise the significance of engaging with alumni and further developing university-alumni cooperation.

Speaking at the meeting Sakit Samadov, the advisor, Prof. Sevinj Mammadkhanova, the dean of the faculty, and Alakbar Hasanov, the professor of the department, highlighted the importance of such events and fostering university-alumni cooperation. Additionally, the alumni were apprised of the latest innovations and changes taking place at the university. During the meeting, it was highlighted that the university would maintain communication with alumni through a newly created joint platform, implement collaborative projects for their further development, and actively expand cooperation with alumni.
