

News 30 May 2023
"Azerbaijan" auditorium opens at Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

On May 23-26, the Russian Oil and Gas Forum took place at the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University in the Russian Federation. Prof. Sakit Rasulov, the head of the Industrial Safety and Labour Protection Department at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, represented the University at a hybrid forum. Additionally, from our country, Sabir Hajiyev, a Milli Majlis member, and Sumgayit State University employees attended the forum. Alongside the physical presence of Azerbaijani representatives, Rafig Jamalov, associate professor, ASOIU Vice-Rector for International Relations, participated online and conveyed the greetings of Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli to the participants.

One significant event during the visits of Azerbaijani representatives to Ufa was the opening of the "Azerbaijan" auditorium on the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, at Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. The Azerbaijani delegation expressed their high appreciation for the opening of the "Azerbaijan" auditorium on the 100th anniversary of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, considering it an exemplary demonstration of cooperation, diplomacy, and fraternity between the two countries rooted in their historical ties.

In addition to ceremonial events, round tables were organised during the forum, in which Azerbaijani representatives actively participated. These meetings primarily focused on topics related to training personnel in the oil and gas sector, industrial security in the oil and gas industry, and advancements in technological development for processing petrochemical products and raw materials.
