

News 31 May 2023
ASOIU representatives at "Borusan Cat" company

A delegation comprising professors and teachers from the Oil Mechanical Faculty of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), along with students, recently visited Borusan Cat company. 

The meeting was attended by Associate Professor Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, Dean of the Oil Mechanical Faculty; Associate Professor Sayami Huseynov, Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs at ASOIU; Associate Professor Sakit Abbasov and Associate Professor Jamaladdin Aslanov, heads of departments; Associate Professor Tahir Suleymanov, Deputy Dean; Dr Khudaverdi Karimov, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Director of the Laser Center. Additionally, 11 students studying various specialities and one doctoral student participated.

During the visit, representatives from Borusan Cat provided detailed insights into the company's operational principles, as well as its production and service offerings in the country's oil and gas industry market. 

It should be noted that three students from the Oil Mechanical Faculty undertook their production practice at Borusan Cat. The teaching staff, while observing the students' internship process, also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the conditions provided for the students during their industrial training in the company.

The meeting also facilitated discussions on matters arising from the memorandum signed between the parties. The establishment of a laboratory in accordance with the qualifications of the Oil Mechanical Faculty, technology transfer, students' production experience, and other collaborative initiatives was widely discussed.
