

News 30 May 2023
Cooperation discussions held between ASOIU and Istanbul Technical University

On May 30, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), had a meeting with Professor Ismail Koyuncu, the Rector of Istanbul Technical University (ITU), and his delegation to discuss cooperation issues. During the meeting, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided the guests with information about the history of ASOIU, its educational and training processes, and its scientific activities. He emphasized the importance of collaboration with ITU in various areas.

Professor Ismail Koyuncu, the Rector of ITU, expressed his interest in expanding cooperation with ASOIU, which is recognized as one of the leading higher education institutions in Azerbaijan. The meeting focused on discussing future prospects of collaboration between the two universities. Both sides exchanged views on the implementation of joint programs and research activities.

In addition to the meeting, Professor Mustafa Babanli accompanied the guests on a tour of the University's laboratories and visited several auditoriums.
