

News 31 May 2023
ASOIU rector meets Petrovietnam delegation

On May 31, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a cooperation meeting with a delegation from Vietnam Oil and Gas Company (Petrovietnam). 

The meeting was attended by Professor Mustafa Babanli, Rector of ASOIU, vice-rectors, teaching staff, and esteemed guests.

Upon warmly welcoming the guests to the university, Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli provided a comprehensive overview of the university's academic specialities, history, and international relations. Highlighting the close and friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Vietnam, Rector Babanli emphasised the importance of further strengthening these ties, particularly by encouraging Vietnamese students to pursue bachelor and master studies at ASOIU and fostering joint scientific and research endeavours in areas such as artificial intelligence and new technologies.

Expressing deep gratitude for the warm welcome and generous hospitality, Dr Le Xuan Huyen, Vice President of Petrovietnam, expressed keen interest in developing and expanding the existing friendly and cooperative relations. Dr Huyen specifically expressed the company's interest in facilitating Vietnamese students' education at ASOIU and exploring potential collaboration based on new technologies.

At the conclusion of the meeting, souvenirs were exchanged. Subsequently, the guests visited ASOIU's historical and mineralogical museums.
