

News 02 Jun 2023
ASOIU holds book presentation

On June 2, AzII e-Book House at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a book presentation of a bibliographic index dedicated to the consultant Professor Alasgar Aliyev from the Oil Mechanical Faculty (OMF).

The presentation commenced with an opening address delivered by Salahat Mahmudova, the director of AzII e-Book House, who provided an overview of the bibliographic index. Subsequently, a concise video prepared by AzII E-Book House about the bibliographic index was presented.

Attendees, including Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Latafat Gardashova, deans - Assoc. Prof. Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, Assoc. Prof. Farid Agayev, Assoc. Prof. Aydin Aliyev, Prof. Elman Iskandarov, Professor of OMF Ibrahim Habibov, consultant-Professor of OGPF Gafar Ismayilov, heads of departments - Assoc. Prof. Jamaladdin Aslanov, Tahir Jabbarov, and Sakit Abbasov expressed their profound appreciation for the bibliographic index dedicated to Alasgar Aliyev, part of the series honouring Azerbaijan's oil scientists. 

Notably, the bibliographic index, comprising 151 pages, was published in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English in 2023 in ASOIU's publishing house. The index is distinguished by its high quality and exquisite design. The index is the next one developed by AzII e-Book House. It comprehensively encompasses important milestones from A. Aliyev's scientific and scientific-pedagogical journey, insightful narratives about his social contributions, a comprehensive list of his works, and heartfelt testimonials from his colleagues.
