

News 01 Jun 2023
ASOIU conducts regular meeting of the Academic Board

On May 31, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) convened its regular meeting of the Academic Board. The board members were briefed on the agenda items, and reports were presented and heard.

During the meeting, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, the Executive Director of UFAZ, and Professor Rauf Aliyarov, the Director of the Scientific-Research Institute "Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas, and Chemistry," presented their annual reports. Additionally, Professor Latafat Gardashova, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, reported on the "Analytical Center for Science and Education," while Elviz Ismayilov, the Chairman of the Student Scientific Society (SSS), reported on the activities of the society. Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, provided feedback, suggestions, and comments on the reports and discussed ongoing university reforms, the plans to enhance the education and training system and specific goals for the future. Emphasis was placed on the shared responsibility of everyone involved to achieve educational excellence and elevate scientific research to desired levels.

Furthermore, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, delivered a report on the status of preparations for the spring semester exam session of the 2022-2023 academic year, as well as the selection of optional subjects for vocational training by third and fourth-year bachelor's students; Associate Professor Narmina Aliyeva, the Scientific Secretary, provided information on qualification works, while Professor Latafat Gardashova, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, presented the road map for PhD students; Associate Professor Sayami Huseynov, the Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs, reported on the action plan of the "Engineering Technology Center" and updated the Academic Board members accordingly.

Following the deliberation and unanimous decisions on the agenda items, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector, provided comments, suggestions, and instructions regarding the upcoming work and future goals.
