

News 06 Jun 2023
ASOIU holds event on Civil Defense Preparedness

On June 6, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organised a training event as part of its annual action plan on the topic "Organisation of the Management of Civil Defense Bodies and Forces during the elimination of the consequences of emergency events".

The event, attended by academic staff and university students, featured a presentation by Elshan Mammadov, the head of the Civil Defense headquarters at ASOIU. E.Mammadov highlighted the significance of Civil Defense in safeguarding lives and emphasised the importance of making informed decisions during emergencies.

The training consisted of two stages. The first stage focused on the "Notification of relevant management staff, employees, and students about potential or emergency events," while the second stage centred around the "Organisation and comprehensive provision of work to mitigate the consequences of emergency events".

The primary objective of the exercise was to evaluate the effectiveness of emergency response between the Civil Defense leadership at ASOIU, the commanders of non-militarised Civil Defense detachments, as well as the collaborative efforts of the Emergency Commission and the Civil Defense headquarters at the university. 
