

News 07 Jun 2023
ASOIU hosts presentation of short book "The Inalienable needs of the Oil Industry"

On June 7, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organised a book presentation event for Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev's short book titled "The Inalienable needs of the Oil Industry".

During the presentation ceremony, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector of ASOIU, extended a warm welcome to the guests and acknowledged the notable philanthropic contributions of Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. Rector M.Babanli highlighted H.Z.Tagiyev's unparalleled services in promoting education, eliminating illiteracy, and training national personnel. Expressing his impression of the book's content, Rector Mustafa Babanli also recognised H.Z.Tagiyev's immense support, including his participation in the construction of a part of the ASOIU building. He emphasised that the memory of this noble figure will be forever cherished, and a bust will be installed at the university as a gesture of deep respect.

During the event, Akbar Yolchuyev, an expert from the Culture Committee of the Milli Majlis, Professor Jamal Mustafayev, the head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines at ASOIU, Akif Ahmadgil, the poet and publicist who translated the book, and Meti Osmanli, a writer and publicist, spoke about Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev's philanthropic endeavours and his significant contributions to science and education. They also highlighted his profound understanding of the oil industry and his valuable insights into studying and addressing the challenges faced by the industry. The speakers noted that Tagiyev's views on the matter, as presented in the book, serve as a unique written source and represent an important historical event during that era, particularly when discussing the issues in the oil industry at the meeting of the Baku branch of the Society for Assistance to Industry and Trade of Russia.
