

News 07 Jun 2023
Spring semester exam session continues at ASOIU

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) is conducting the spring semester exam session for the 2022-2023 academic year. The session encompasses 9,805 student-exam at the Bachelor's level and 1,086 at the Master's level. The grading distribution for the exams is as follows: inadequate (6.4%), satisfactory (31.7%), sufficient (17.1%), good (16.3%), very good (12.3%), and excellent (14.6%).109 students did not participate in the exams, and 57 individuals were excluded. This means that 97% of the students participated in the exams, while 3% were unable to take part in them.

ASOIU has implemented comprehensive measures to ensure the organisation of the exam session complies with established regulations, ensuring transparency and fairness in evaluating students' knowledge. The Examination Observation Center has been established to monitor the examination process and ensure transparency.

Notably, this year, exams at the Master's level are conducted in written form, while at the Bachelor's level, exams are conducted in two formats: written and written-oral. Additionally, future plans include transitioning all exams in English specialities to a written form.

Following the exams, the answers are coded, and after thorough verification, the results are published on the Electronic University (Unibook) platform. Students have a 72-hour to file appeals following the exam. The exam session commenced on May 22 for part-time students and June 1 for full-time students. For students who receive an insufficient grade on an exam (only for two subjects), the option for a retake exam is available two days after the initial exam upon student request, with a fee of 25%. Alternatively, a re-exam can be taken between September 5-14 with the same fee of 25%.
