

News 16 Jun 2023
ASOIU signs memorandum of cooperation with Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute

On June 16, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute signed a memorandum of cooperation, solidifying their joint efforts in science innovation, scientific research, and international projects. The signing ceremony was attended by ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Chairman of the Board of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute Limited Liability Company (LLC), Professor Ali Kutvan, academic staff of the university, and other guests.

Speaking at the event, Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli emphasised the importance of enhancing ASOIU's standing in scientific and secular education, expanding access to global scientific resources, and improving scientific indicators and teaching in these areas. Recognising the significance of establishing new-level relations with the TRIZ Institute, Rector Mustafa Babanli outlined the potential directions for future cooperation.

Professor Ali Kutvan, Chairman of the Board of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute LLC, provided an overview of the company and expressed their interest in collaborating with ASOIU. Highlighting their strong focus on industry partnerships, Professor Kutvan emphasised the numerous scientific and academic fields in which they envision cooperation with the university to achieve essential goals.

During the ceremony, Ilgar Aslan, the General Secretary of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute LLC, delivered a presentation showcasing the company's activities, ongoing projects, business opportunities, and overall objectives. The event culminated with the signing of the memorandum of cooperation, affirming the commitment of both parties to pursue the discussed areas of collaboration.


