

News 20 Jun 2023
Journalists attending training session explore ASOIU

On June 19, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the next training seminar for journalists organised by the Agency for Innovation and Digital Development and the Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association. 

The seminar aimed to enhance the skills of media professionals in ICT analysis and utilisation, enabling them to harness the benefits of modern technological opportunities in line with the demands of the time.

The seminar, participating 23 media representatives, featured presentations by Elvin Abbasov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association; Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs at ASOIU; and Sakit Samadov, Rector's Advisor on University-Industrial Cooperation and Alumni Affairs. 

ASOIU Vice-Rector Ata Babayev, on behalf of Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli, extended greetings to the journalists and provided insights into the university, its educational standards, and the integration of modern technological advancements into the learning process. Emphasising the responsibility of today's youth in effectively utilising modern technology, the vice-rector highlighted how ASOIU students excel not only in their respective fields but also in language and IT proficiency.

Elvin Abbasov, Chairman of the association, shared information about the existing collaboration between his organisation and ASOIU. He emphasised the importance of education as the foundation for any successful project and expressed the association's commitment to overseeing promising initiatives in partnership with ASOIU, which produces skilled specialists for the nation's benefit.

Subsequently, Advisor Sakit Samadov delivered a report on digital entrepreneurship and branding, discussing current realities and goals in this field. He provided the journalists with information about the latest innovations and trends and shared insights on the formula for achieving success. Journalists had the chance to ask relevant questions during the training and received appropriate answers.

Additionally, the journalists toured the auditoriums named after the martyrs. The visit also included a stop at the Azii E-Book House, where the journalists familiarised themselves with the reading facilities provided for students and faculty.

Following the training conducted in a discussion format, the guests had the opportunity to familiarise themselves more closely with the university. The journalists visited the memorial complex dedicated to ASOIU's martyr graduates, including the monument of national hero Mubariz Ibrahimov. Additionally, the journalists toured the auditoriums named after the martyrs. Subsequently, the journalists visited the AzII E-Book House, looking closer at the facilities provided for students and teachers for reading purposes.
