

News 22 Jun 2023
ASOIU hosts meeting with alumni of BA Programs

On June 21, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) convened a meeting for alumni of BA programs. 

The event, conducted both online and offline, commenced with an opening speech by Associate Professor Naila Hasanova, the Deputy Director of BA Programs, who provided informed about the BA programs offered at ASOIU.

Subsequently, Sakit Samadov, the Advisor to the Rector on University-Industry Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, addressed the audience, speaking about the importance of expanding relations with industrial enterprises and noting that broad content cooperation with them in this direction is always important.

Farid Kazimov, the PR and Alumni Community Coordinator of BA Programs, informed the participants about the purpose of the meeting and delivered a presentation on the organisational staff. 

During the meeting, discussions were held on establishing the Alumni’ Association and setting new objectives, as well as fostering connections among the alumni.
