

News 23 Jun 2023
Presentation of ASOIU rector at the conference on alternative energy in Tükiye

On June 19-20, the conference took place, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan's national leader, Heydar Aliyev, and the establishment of the Republic of Tükiye, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University (ZBEU), and Tükiye Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) jointly organised an Energy seminar and a conference on Energy issues.

During the conference, Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli delivered a comprehensive presentation about ASOIU. The Rector also highlighted the institution's achievements in scientific research by emphasising that ASOIU's educational and training processes have been established following the requirements of the modern era. Additionally, he discussed the significance of the conference, its thematic relevance, and the reasons behind its organisation while extending his best wishes for its success.

Mustafa Tutulmaz, the Governor of Zonguldak, Melih Han Bilgin, the Chairman and CEO of TPAO, and Professor İsmail Hakkı Özölçer, the Rector of Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, delivered extensive reports during the conference.

Furthermore, representatives from ASOIU - Professor Latafat Gardashova, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs; Bahruz Nazarov, Director of the Public Relations and Marketing Department; Professor Jamal Mustafayev, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines; Associate Professor Shukur Nasirov, Head of the Department of Energy Production Technologies; and Associate Professor Zakir Hasanov from the Department of Electromechanics, delivered presentations on specific topics during the conference. Additionally, several academic staff members from ASOIU participated remotely in the event, giving speeches on various topics.

During the visit, ASOIU Rector Professor Mustafa Babanli and the delegation met with Professor İsmail Hakkı Özölçer, the Rector of Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University. The meeting focused on expanding scientific collaborations between the two universities, facilitating teacher-student exchanges, and exploring prospective projects. The parties reached an agreement to foster cooperation between their institutions.
