

News 24 Jun 2023
ASOIU conducts training on Quality Management

From June 23 to 24, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a training session focused on the AZS ISO 9001:2020 “Quality Management System. Requirements”.

The training was organised as part of a collaboration between the Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service under the Ministry of Economy and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The primary objective of this training, facilitated by the Azerbaijan Institute of Standardization (AZSTAND) under the Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service, was to enhance knowledge in this area among students and teaching staff.

During the event, participants received information regarding AZSTAND’s activities, the national standardisation system, management standards, and international cooperation in standardisation. 

Expert trainers delivered presentations on standardisation, followed by interactive question-and-answer sessions and discussions with the attendees.
