

News 24 Jun 2023
ASOIU holds meeting with Alumni of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production

On June 24, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized a meeting with alumni from previous years at the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production. 

The meeting was attended by staff from bp, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Weatherford, SOCAR, and other companies, as well as alumni from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) and other organizations.

Opening the meeting, Professor Elman Iskandarov, the Dean of the faculty, extended a warm welcome to the participants and expressed gratitude for their presence. He shared notable achievements of the faculty in recent years. Highlighting key upcoming challenges, he encouraged the alumni to foster a new level of university-alumni relations actively.

Sakit Samadov, the Advisor to the Rector of ASOIU on University-Industry Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, addressed the meeting, emphasising the crucial role of alumni in strengthening the relationship between the university and industrial enterprises. He recommended their support in facilitating student participation in internship programs and employment opportunities.

After, the alumni had the opportunity to share their fond memories of their time as students and expressed their willingness to contribute their utmost support towards expanding the collaboration between the university and relevant institutions.
