

News 05 Jul 2023
ASOIU staff attended the event on Project Management

On July 5, an event took place supported by Project Management Association of Azerbaijan (AzPMA), and bp-Azerbaijan (British Petroleum in Azerbaijan), within the framework of the project “Support for increasing project management potential in local universities” at eight prestigious higher education institutions in Azerbaijan, which participant is Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event focused on the discussion of BP's project aimed at enhancing the potential of local universities. Representatives from eight higher education institutions participated in the event.

It is worth noting that successful training sessions have been conducted within the collaboration between AzPMA and ASOIU. Eight students from ASOIU have been awarded the internationally recognized "IPMA Level D" certification in Project Management, which is recognized in 73 countries worldwide. Additionally, 19 faculty members have undergone training based on international standards in Project Management. ASOIU has also pioneered the establishment of a Project Office, marking a first among Azerbaijani universities.
