

News 05 Jul 2023
The Graduation Day at UFAZ

On July 5, the Graduation Day ceremony was held at Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ). 

At the beginning of the event, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played. UFAZ's Executive Director, Vazeh Askarov, and Secretary General, Elizaveta Bydanova, congratulated the graduates and acknowledged their achievements during their time at UFAZ.

Subsequently, Professor Mustafa Babanlı, the Rector of ASOIU, Ann Boillon, the Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, and Jean-Marc Planeix, the Vice-President of Strasbourg University, wished the students success in their continued education and future careers.

UFAZ's bachelor's graduate, Vefa Babanlı, and master's graduate, Kamal Bayramov, shared their memories and sentiments about their time at the university.

Certificates were presented to the top five students who achieved the highest results in their respective fields of study. The event concluded with a concert program and cocktail reception organised by UFAZ's Music Club.
