

News 07 Jul 2023
AzII e-Book House provides remote access to 10 information databases on the EBSCO Host platform

Within the Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium framework, AzII e-Book House offers remote access to 10 comprehensive databases on the EBSCO Host platform for the faculty, researchers, and readers of ADNSU. From July 1, 2023, until October 1, 2023, these databases can be accessed from within the university and any location for scholarly research purposes.

Access to the full-text databases can be obtained by following the provided link and using the designated username and password:


Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Username: adnsu, Password: Research123!

We present to you the efficient information databases and information about them:

1. Academic Search Premier: A comprehensive multidisciplinary database covering various fields of knowledge, including biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, geography, geology, physics, mathematics, mechanics, information technology, history, law, international relations, economics, management, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, world literature, regional studies, and more. This collection includes over 2,000 full-text journals, with 1,700 indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. 

2. Business Source Premier: A specialized full-text database focusing on economics, business, management, finance, accounting, and innovation entrepreneurship. It includes journals, monographs, conference proceedings, government documents, analytical reports, and more.

3. MasterFile Premier: A comprehensive multidisciplinary database encompassing social sciences, business development, healthcare, education, culture, and more. It includes monographs, encyclopedic publications, primary sources, photographs, maps, and other materials.

4. Newspaper Source and Regional Business News: Databases comprising newspapers, almanacks, and full-text publications of news articles.

5. MEDLINE: A bibliographic database encompassing thousands of scientific journal articles in the fields of medicine and biology, covering various aspects of fundamental and clinical medicine, including cardiology, dentistry, surgery, and more.

6. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition: A database focusing on medical and healthcare topics, including mental health, resuscitation, medical law, and more. It includes subject indexes, summaries, and full-text articles.

 7. Health Source: Consumer Edition: A comprehensive database containing full-text articles from journals, questionnaires, and medical and health dictionaries, including popular sources such as America Fitness Better Nutrition, Fit Pregnancy, Harvard Health Letter, Muscle&Fitness, Vegetarian Times, and more.

 8. ERIC (Education Resources Information Center): A full-text database covering journals, books, conference materials, scientific works, educational programs, and directive documents in the field of education.

 9. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA): A referential database providing information on library science, bibliometrics, cataloguing, classification, electronic libraries, information processing, and related subjects.

 10. GreenFILE: A collection covering all aspects of human impact on the environment, including climate change issues, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy sources, waste management, and more. The GreenFILE database includes indexed abstracts for over 1.1 million articles.
