

News 18 Jul 2023
Delegation of the Algerian Petroleum Institute at ASOIU

On July 18, the Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, met with a delegation led by Abdelkader Guenoune, the General Director of the Algerian Petroleum Institute. The meeting aims to discuss collaboration and exchange opportunities between the two educational institutions and to exchange views concerning the realisation of joint educational projects.

During the meeting, the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, warmly welcomed the guests and expressed ASOIU's openness to collaboration. He underscored the significance of developing relations between the two educational institutions and highlighted the importance of advancing the development of their partnership. Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov also provided the guests with information about the educational processes at Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) and highlighted ASOIU's cooperation with the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR). He emphasised the successful internship of students who have developed into specialised professionals after completing their higher education.

The Vice-rector for International Relations of ASOIU, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov, provided detailed information to the guests about the university's history, training and educational processes, faculties, scientific-research institutes and colleges operating within the university, as well as its current international collaboration.

Abdelkader Guenoune, the General Director of the Algerian Petroleum Institute, spoke about the specialised programs and the experience of the institute's academic staff. He elaborated on the institute's educational and production partnerships, emphasising the necessity of practical experiences and visits to production facilities in the oil industry to cultivate specialised expertise in the field. The guest expressed interest in collaborating with ASOIU regarding the mentioned topics.

During the meeting, extensive discussions were conducted regarding student and academic staff exchanges and the implementation of joint perspective projects, resulting in mutual agreements and collaboration. Subsequently, the visitors had the opportunity to explore the Mineralogy Museum, History Museum, several laboratories, and auditoriums, allowing them to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the university.

It should be noted that on November 29, 2022, in the city of Algiers, the "Memorandum of Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria on Cooperation in the Oil and Gas Sector" was signed. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, confirmed the Memorandum with a Decree dated February 1, 2023.
