

News 21 Jul 2023
ASOIU celebrates journalists on National Press Day

On July 21, commemorating National Press Day, the Acting Rector and Associate Professor of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Vazeh Askarov, met with a group of journalists.

During the meeting at Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), operating under the ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov greeted the journalists and extended his congratulations on the 148th anniversary of the establishment of the national press. He emphasised the significant role of the national media, starting with "Əkinçi" in our nation's awakening and consolidation of national unity throughout Azerbaijan's media history. In his address, the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Vazeh Askarov, drew the media representatives' attention to the indispensable contributions of the great leader Heydar Aliyev in the development of our national press, just as he had played an essential role in other spheres. Notably, by the decree of the great leader, July 22 has been celebrated annually as National Press Day since 1995.

Moving on to the progress of higher education in our country, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov provided the journalists with information about the stages of educational development, the teaching conditions, and prospective projects at ASOIU and UFAZ. He highlighted the crucial role of close collaboration with the media in disseminating information about educational achievements and innovations to the broader public.

During the meeting, media representatives, including Zahid Rzayev, the head of ”Oil industry” department of "İki Sahil" newspaper; Oruc Mustafayev, the department editor of "Azərbaycan müəllimi" newspaper; Gulnara Ilham, the department editor of "Təhsil TV", Xayala Mammadova, the editor of "CBC TV", Elgun Mansimov, the editor of Report Information Agency, Mehpara Aliyeva, a staff member of "Respublika" newspaper, and others, asked Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov questions regarding new goals, prospective educational projects, and the overall development of higher education at ASOIU and UFAZ. In a sincere and conducive atmosphere for discussion, media representatives noted that both educational institutions keep journalists and the broader public informed through their press services. They also had a conversation with Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, the Acting Rector of ASOIU, where they received answers to their questions.

In the end, the journalists were recognised for their contributions, and commemorative photos were taken.
