

News 21 Jul 2023
The meeting held between ASOIU and the Russian House in Baku

On July 21, Vazeh Askarov, the acting rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with the head of the Russian House in Baku, Irek Zinnurov. During the meeting, they discussed matters related to mutual collaboration.

In welcoming the guests, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov expressed the university's interest in engaging in joint projects as a higher education institution.

The head of the Russian House in Baku, Irek Zinnurov, spoke about the significance of collaboration with ASOIU and emphasised that around 150 ASOIU students can benefit from supporting the organisation they lead in the Russian Federation for their education. Furthermore, ASOIU's faculty can enhance their expertise through advanced training programs conducted online.

It was agreed during the meeting that concrete steps would be taken towards implementing the discussed matters.
