

News 24 Jul 2023
ASOIU and UFAZ students participate in International Geophysics Field Cam

UFAZ is happy to announce the start of the SEG ASOIU International Geophysical Field Camp, which results from a cooperation between SEG, UFAZ and ASOIU. Participants consist of 25 students from ASOIU, UFAZ, Khazar University, Istanbul Technical University and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals of Saudi Arabia.  

On July 24, the field started with the opening ceremony at UFAZ, in the presence of the sponsors UFAZ, BP and EI Group. It will continue in the field in Astara, applying geophysical techniques in the field (Georadar, Seismic and Electrical Resistivity) as well as some geochemistry tools (water pH and conductivity probes). The students will learn how to use this tool on the field and process and interpret the data. Four instructors are from UFAZ staff and UFAZ alumni, and one instructor is from ASOIU. 

The objective will be to image groundwater in the region of Astara and define the water level and heterogeneity of the underground to determine the capacity and quality of the aquifer. 

 The results will be presented at the end of the week at UFAZ in front of experts in water management in Azerbaijan and geophysicists. 


