

News 28 Jul 2023
Meeting held between ASOIU and the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and Clubs (KOBSKA)

On July 28, the Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with Nigar Alasgarova, Board Chairperson of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and Clubs (KOBSKA), and the entrepreneurs.

During the meeting, the Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, welcomed the guests and discussed establishing and developing relations between ASOIU and industrial enterprises. He emphasised that fostering connections with industrial establishments is one of the university's main objectives. Mentioning the existing collaboration with the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and Clubs, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov expressed his optimism that the partnership will further develop in facilitating successful internships for ASOIU students, ensuring their continuous employment, and executing other prospective projects.

The Board Chairperson of KOBSKA, Nigar Alasgarova, expressed her satisfaction with the collaboration with ASOIU and discussed future initiatives within the framework of their partnership. She assured that they would provide support for students' internships and employment in companies, as well as assist in transforming startup ideas into successful businesses and implementing other similar projects.
