

News 04 Aug 2023
UFAZ organises bachelor admission exam

On August 4, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) successfully organised its admission exam for the bachelor’s degree programs for the 2023/2024 academic year.
In total, 421 candidates (313 from Azerbaijani and 108 from Russian school departments) who scored more than 500 points (of 700 points) during the State Examination organised by the State Examination Center (SEC) in group 1 registered for the UFAZ admission exam for 160 available places. 372 of the registrants took part in the admission exam.
The exam lasted 150 minutes, and candidates answered multiple-choice questions on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, General scientific knowledge and English. In the end, 160 candidates with the highest score will have an opportunity to be UFAZ students. As the language of education at UFAZ is English, the other requirement for applicants is to score a minimum of 8 points out of 20 points in English.
17 rooms have been allocated for the admission exam in the building of UFAZ. 3 rooms are allocated for the Russian school departments, while 14 rooms are for the candidates of the Azerbaijani school departments. In total, 49 supervisors and more than 20 staff members were involved in the examination process. The medical personnel were also ensured in the examination building.
Acting Rector of ASOIU Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, Scientific Expert of UFAZ Professor of the Strasbourg University Pierre Collet and other representatives observed the examination process. Vazeh Asgarov and Pierre Collet also met with the parents of the applicants and answered their questions about the exam and the educational process at UFAZ.
Results will be announced on August 8. The appeal will take place on August 9. The approved list of students who successfully passed the UFAZ admission exam will be submitted to the Ministry of Education and the State Examination Center. The Ministry of Education, in turn, will submit the confirmed names of the admitted students to the State Examination Center, and they will not participate in the competition for other universities. Candidates who took the UFAZ admission exam but did not succeed would still be able to apply to the relevant specialities offered by ASOIU and other universities, depending on their scores in the centralised entrance exam organised by the SEC.
To recall, depending on the admission exam results to UFAZ, students are offered 160 places on a government basis. In UFAZ, education is carried out in 4 specialities - Geophysics and Geological Engineering (30), Chemical Engineering (35), Oil and Gas Engineering (35) and Computer Science (60). Graduates of UFAZ will receive two diplomas (University of Strasbourg and Rennes 1 for Oil and Gas Engineering and ASOIU). Teaching for all majors has been ongoing for 4 years at UFAZ.
