

News 14 Aug 2023
ASOIU and DAAD's joint International Summer School concludes

The "Riding the Energy Transition: Post-Oil Economy, Alternative Energy, Environmental Protection" Summer School, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, has concluded.

Organized by Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the 5th International Summer School took place from July 31 to August 12. The Summer School brought together 5 students from Azerbaijan and 10 from Germany.

In addition to the academic program, cultural events were organized for the participants. They had excursions to Bibi heybat, the site of the world's first industrially drilled oil well, as well as visits to the headquarters of bp and SOCAR, Icherisheher (Old City), Heydar Aliyev Center, Sheki city, and the culturally significant city of Shusha in Azerbaijan. It is worth noting that the first lecture of the Summer School took place at ASOIU.

At the end of the program, students delivered presentations on topics related to the theme of the Summer School. The presentations by the participants were evaluated by lecturers and experts, and certificates were awarded to them.
