

News 15 Aug 2023
Meeting between ASOIU's Acting Rector and AREA Director

On August 15, Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov, the Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with Javid Abdullayev, the Director of Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency (AREA) under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and a delegation led by him.

During the meeting, the cooperation between the university and the Agency was discussed, focusing on prospective matters. Additionally, there was an exchange of ideas regarding establishing and enhancing active relations in education, training, and scientific research. Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov provided information about the training process, ASOIU's international relations, dual degree programs, and particularly the dual degree program in "Renewable Energy Resources" conducted in cooperation with Warwick University.

In the meeting, information was shared about the "Renewable Energy Didactic Laboratory" project, which is planned to be established at ASOIU within the framework of the dual degree program with Warwick University to support Azerbaijan's energy transition process. The project aims to support the country's education system (especially by supporting the activities of ASOIU's dual-degree master's program in Renewable Energy Resources) and thus provide the local labour market with a qualified workforce in the field of renewable energy.

During the discussions, essential topics were also raised, such as providing students with comprehensive knowledge of renewable energy technologies, principles, and applications, practical development of skills through experimental testing, design, and analysis of renewable energy systems, and promoting research and innovations in the field of renewable energy. Concrete objectives were set for future collaborative efforts.

Director Javid Abdullayev and several representatives from the Agency visited ASOIU and UFAZ's computer rooms and laboratories to become better acquainted with the universities.
