

News 17 Aug 2023
ASOIU's summer semester examinations proceeding successfully

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) conducted the Summer Semester Examinations for the academic year 2022-2023. These examinations were attended by students who aimed to improve their scores from the previous semester and enhance their academic performance.

The Summer Examinations, conducted in written and oral formats, involved more than 1000 students from various departments across the university. Special facilities were provided within the university for the exams, and a rigorous monitoring system, including the Exam Observation Center, was in place to prevent any irregularities or misconduct during the examinations.

Acting Rector of ASOIU, Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov visited the examination halls, monitored the examination process, and highly evaluated the conditions created for transparent examinations.

The Summer Examination session, which commenced on August 14, will conclude on August 18.
