

News 22 Aug 2023
ASOIU students participated in the 1st International Competitive Programming Camp

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) students participated in the 1st International Competitive Programming Camp from August 11 to 20. This camp, organized by ADA University in collaboration with TechArena (Huawei Brand), involved 15 teams from four countries (Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan).

Among the 30 students comprising the participating teams, there were 10 teams from Azerbaijan, including students from ASOIU's SABAH groups: Narmin Mammadova, Jahid Jabizada, Tunjay Isgandarli, and their coach, Elviz Ismayilov. ASOIU students have also received an invitation to the camp scheduled to take place in Minsk, Belarus, at the end of September. During this camp, participants will engage in competitions focused on various challenging programming tasks over a period of five days.

The closing ceremony featured the presentation of gifts to all participants, and the regular organization of such events was suggested.

It is worth noting that this year's International Competitive Programming Camp in Azerbaijan is one of the preparatory stages for teams participating in the finals of the International Student Programming Olympiad, scheduled to be held in November 2023 in Egypt.
