

News 23 Aug 2023
ASOIU students to participate in an International Conference in the USA

Chingiz Asgarli and Javid Aliyev, third-year students majoring in Oil and Gas Engineering in the SABAH program at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), are scheduled to participate in the 2023 SEG/Chevron Student Leadership Symposium and the International Meeting for Applied Geophysics and Energy (IMAGE). These prestigious events will be hosted by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) in Houston, Texas, USA, from August 26 to September 1.

Two students from ASOIU/UFAZ have been chosen to represent Azerbaijan among 24 countries. At the upcoming conference, Javid Aliyev will present a report titled "Geophysical Description of Groundwaters in the Talish Mountains." His presentation will highlight the first international geophysical desert expedition in the Caucasus region, the SEG ASOIU Field Camp 2023. Additionally, he is scheduled to deliver a presentation on the projects conducted by the ASOIU/UFAZ student chapter throughout the year. Our students will also participate in the global final stage of the competition, which assesses students' knowledge in geology and will be held in Houston.

It's worth noting that ASOIU/UFAZ's student division is a potential candidate to be selected as one of the world's best student divisions among the 340 SEG student divisions in 66 countries.
