

News 30 Aug 2023
Seminar on "Green Hydrogen: The Future's Primary Energy Source" held at UFAZ

On August 30, at UFAZ (Azerbaijani-French University), a seminar titled "Green Hydrogen: The Future's Primary Energy Source" was held with the joint organization of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency, featuring a presentation by Professor Yashar Musayev, the Head of the New Energy Business Division at Siemens Energy.

Yashar Musayev began the seminar by introducing Siemens Energy, providing information about the company's activities in green energy, its ongoing projects, and laboratory facilities in Germany. He then proceeded to discuss the recent developments in the field of green energy in Azerbaijan over the past years.

At the end of the event, participants had the opportunity to ask questions, which the speaker addressed.
