

News 04 Sep 2023
ASOIU Ranks Second in Azerbaijan for Articles and Citations in Web of Science Journals

ASOIU has been ranked second among Azerbaijani higher education institutions regarding the number of scientific articles and citations published in journals in the "Web of Science" database, following Baku State University. In the "Web of Science," the Hirsch index is 35, while in the Scopus database, it is 37, and in Google Scholar, it is 42. The number of published articles is 1286, and the number of citations is 5731. According to the "ASOIU Scientific Index 2023" from the World Scientist and University Rankings, 25 scientists from ASOIU are listed among the top 1000.

It is worth noting that in just the past year, our colleagues at ASOIU have published 350 scientific articles in globally recognised databases such as "Scopus" and "Web of Science."
