

News 04 Sep 2023
ASOIU Rector meets with former Executive Director of Total Azerbaijan

On September 1, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, the Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with Denis Lemarchand, the former Executive Director of Total Azerbaijan, and his wife, Jeanine Lemarchand, who were visiting Azerbaijan.

Vazeh Askarov provided the guests with detailed information about ASOIU. In return, Denis Lemarchand congratulated Vazeh Askarov on his new appointment and wished him success. During the meeting, ideas were exchanged regarding collaboration between ASOIU, UFAZ, and Total Energies.

It's worth noting that Denis Lemarchand came to Azerbaijan at the special invitation of SOCAR's president. During his tenure in our country, he was known for his productive work in developing the Absheron field. He also actively participated in developing collaboration between Azerbaijani-French University and Total Company.

His wife, Jeanine Lemarchand, served as the editor for the French-language publication of "The Years and the Traces of My Life," a book authored by the former First Vice President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic, Khoshbakht Yusifzade.
