

News 07 Sep 2023
ASOIU Rector meets with students admitted for the 2023/2024 academic year retraining programs

On September 7, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, the Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), met with the newly admitted students to the bachelor's degree programs at the Industrial Enterprises Staff Development and Retraining Institute (IESDRI) for the academic year 2023/2024.

During the meeting, a brief video presentation about the university was shown to the students, covering topics such as the educational process, majors, international relations, and the university's material-technical base.

Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov welcomed the students admitted to ASOIU for retraining education in the academic year 2023/2024, providing information about the educational process at ASOIU, ongoing projects, and collaborations and encouraging them to actively engage not only in academic activities but also in various social projects in cooperation with industrial enterprises.

Gasim Mammadov, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, congratulated the students and provided information about the university's educational process to the event participants.

In a traditional introductory meeting, Associate Professor Hamlet Huseynov, the Director of the Industrial Enterprises Staff Development and Retraining Institutes, congratulated the students, gave a presentation about the curriculum for retraining education, and answered questions.

It's worth noting that out of 576 applicants who applied for retraining education at ASOIU for the current academic year, 550 have been admitted.
