

News 08 Sep 2023
ASOIU's preparations for the new academic year discussed

On September 8, Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov, Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), held a meeting with the university's academic staff to discuss the progress of preparations for the new academic year.

The meeting, attended by ASOIU's vice-rectors, deans, department heads, and the directors of departments and divisions, began with Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov congratulating the team on starting the new academic year. He provided recommendations and guidance regarding the tasks and goals for the upcoming academic year. Assoc. Prof. Vazeh Askarov also emphasized that a record number of students had been admitted to the university this year and highlighted the extensive efforts planned for the development of education and science.

Subsequently, the participants engaged in discussions and listened to presentations about the upcoming activities and innovations for the new academic year.
