

News 11 Sep 2023
Orientation meetings with first-year students at ASOIU

On September 11, a meeting was held with the first-year students admitted to the bachelor's program in the Faculty of Geological Exploration and Oil and Gas Engineering at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).
During the meeting, a short video presentation provided an overview of the teaching process, specializations, international relations, and the university's material and technical resources.
ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, congratulated the first-year students on joining the ASOIU community. He emphasized that the university provides all the necessary conditions for students to receive a high-quality education and expressed confidence that over the next four years, these students would develop into specialized experts who will make significant contributions to our national industry and economy.
In his speech, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, introduced the new students to the university's internal regulations and procedures.
Additionally, faculty deans, including the Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Associate Professor Namad Pashayev, Dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering, Professor Elman Iskandarov, and the President of the Student Trade Union Committee, Namig Ganjayev, also addressed the students during the meetings. They provided detailed information to the students about ASOIU's history, developmental stages, the educational conditions created for students, examination procedures, organization of education, student mobility, and other related topics.
