

News 12 Sep 2023
ASOIU students excel in summer internship program and receive accolades

On September 11, ten third and fourth-year students from Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), who completed the summer internship and scholarship program at Turan Drilling & Engineering Company, were rewarded. The event was attended by the CEO of Turan Drilling & Engineering, Edward Wheler, Deputy CEO Tomislav Klenkar, and other colleagues, as well as Sabina Aliyeva, the head of the Internship Division of ASOIU's Public Relations and Marketing Department. The participating students presented their two-month reports and delivered speeches on various topics related to their experiences.

Edward Wheler, the CEO of Turan Drilling & Engineering, expressed his special gratitude to the ASOIU administration for nurturing talented and competent students and expressed his satisfaction with the collaboration. Finally, he congratulated the outstanding students. Successful internship participants were rewarded with certificates and various gifts.

It should be noted that Turan Drilling & Engineering announced a two-month Summer Internship and Scholarship Program. In the program designed for 11 students, there were a total of 10 participants from ASOIU, including 7 from SABAH groups and 2 from the faculties of Information Technology and Control and Oil and Gas Engineering. 
During the internship, students had the opportunity to test their theoretical knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of their specialities.

We congratulate each of our students and wish them success in their careers.
