

News 12 Sep 2023
Meetings with first-year students continue at ASOIU

On September 12, a meeting was organized for the first-year students who have been accepted into the bachelor's programs of the Chemical Technology and Oil Mechanical Engineering faculties at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) in the presence of their parents.

During the meeting, a brief video presentation provided an overview of the teaching process, specializations, international relations, and the university's material and technical resources.

The Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, congratulated the young students on their admission and spoke about the educational environment created at the university to shape them into highly skilled professionals. He advised the students to make the most of the conditions provided for theoretical learning, as well as practical experience, language skills, and IT knowledge enhancement during their studies.

ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, introduced the students to the university's internal regulations and procedures. Faculty deans, including Professor Sevinj Mammadxanova, Dean of the Chemical Technology Faculty, and Associate Professor Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, Dean of the Oil Mechanical Engineering Faculty, as well as Namig Ganjayev, the President of the Student Trade Union Committee, also addressed the students. They provided detailed information about ASOIU's teaching process, the university's history and development stages, the high-quality education conditions for students, examination procedures, student clubs, and other related matters.
