

News 12 Sep 2023
Acting Rector of ASOIU meets with Family Members of Martyr Graduate

On September 12, Acting Rector Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) met with the family members of the university's martyr graduate, Ibrahim Jafarov.

The Acting Rector welcomed the martyr's family members to the university and mentioned that ASOIU, along with the state's support, consistently pays attention to the families of the 23 martyr graduates. He informed them about the ongoing efforts at the university to honor the memory of the martyrs, including the creation of a memorial complex in their honor and the naming of auditoriums after martyr graduates. It was emphasized that showing respect to our martyrs and caring for their families and loved ones is a collective responsibility.

The family members of martyr Ibrahim Jafarov expressed their gratitude for the deep respect and attention shown by the university leadership.

It should be noted that Acting Rector Vazeh Askarov of ASOIU has also provided support for the employment of the martyr's sister, Natavan Hummatova, as a teacher at the Industry and Technology College affiliated with ASOIU.
