

News 20 Sep 2023
Certificates presented to ASOIU students successfully completing the internship program

On September 20, a ceremony was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) to commend the students who completed an internship at Binagadi Oil Company.

During the ceremony, the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, congratulated the students who successfully completed the summer internship program, emphasizing the university's focus on practical skills in addition to theoretical knowledge and highlighted the priority of collaboration with organizations in this direction.

Ruhin Rahimov, the Head of the Production and Technical Department of Binagadi Oil Company, praised the student's activities during the internship and wished them success in their future endeavors.

Finally, certificates were presented to the ASOIU students.

It is worth noting that 15 students from ASOIU's Geological-Exploration, Oil and Gas, Oil Mechanical Engineering, IT and Control faculties, aiming to enhance the quality of specialized training and gain practical skills, completed various summer internship programs at Binagadi Oil Company.
