

News 22 Sep 2023
Cybersecurity seminar held at ASOIU

On September 22, a seminar on cybersecurity was conducted for 3rd-year students majoring in "Information Security" at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Control (FITC) of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The seminar, organized in collaboration with the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Information and Communication Technologies Industry Association (AICTA), was dedicated to the topic "Combating Potential Threats in the Information Space, Mass media, and Social media."

Elvin Abbasov, the President of AICTA, spoke at the seminar about the increasing cybersecurity threats in the modern era and the essential nuances of protection against them.

Sakit Samadov, Associate Professor and the Adviser to the Rector of ASOIU on University-Industry Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, discussed the strategic importance of cybersecurity, emphasizing that the youth should constantly work on improving their expertise in this field.

Cybersecurity expert Mammad Rahimzade presented on "Career Opportunities and Cyber Hygiene in Cybersecurity." He discussed the goals of information security, the most prevalent cyber-attacks, and ways to protect against them.

At the end of the seminar, held in an interactive format, students' questions were answered.
