

News 26 Sep 2023
Commemorative event for the 3rd anniversary of September 27 - Memorial Day held at ASOIU

On September 26, an event dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of September 27 - Memorial Day, was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Organized by the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) and the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the event began with a one-minute silence in memory of our sons who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of our lands from the enemy occupation.

Addressing the event participants, Ata Babayev, the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs at ASOIU, greeted them and emphasized the significant place of September 27 in the history of Azerbaijan.

Ramin Habibzada, the Secretary-General of NAYORA, and Azar Aliyev, the Chairperson, spoke about the historical importance of Memorial Day and discussed the efforts towards fostering collaboration between youth and national organizations.

Participants of the Patriotic War shared their experiences from the battlefront during the event, expressing their feelings and thoughts to the attendees.

Later, Member of Parliament Nagif Hamzayev mentioned that with the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the President, the Azerbaijani Army once again demonstrated its strength and power to the whole world. He spoke about the unity of the people and the valor of our youth in our historic victory.
