

News 26 Sep 2023
A book exhibition titled '27 September - Memorial Day' takes place at AzII e-Book House

On September 27, the memory of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the Patriotic War is deeply revered throughout the country. Additionally, following tradition, an exhibition titled "September 27 - Memorial Day" was organized at the AzII e-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The exhibition features books dedicated to the brave soldiers and officers who bravely fought in the Patriotic War, raising the Azerbaijani flag in the liberated territories, sacrificing their lives for the integrity of our country under the visionary policy of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Ilham Aliyev. In addition, In addition, the exhibition prominently features publications on patriotism dedicated to all our martyrs, materials published in the periodical press on this topic, and display of photos depicting the university's martyr students and alumni.

