

News 27 Sep 2023
ASOIU's collective was in Victory Park

On September 27, on Remembrance Day, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, the Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, and a group of university faculty and students were at Victory Park.

Flowers were arranged in front of the memorial stone at the park entrance, and the dear memory of the martyrs was respectfully commemorated.

In order to immortalize the glorious history of the unparalleled heroism shown by the Azerbaijani people in the Patriotic War and the magnificent victory achieved, as well as to perpetuate the dear memory of our martyrs and demonstrate it to the public, the creation of the Patriotic War Memorial Complex and Victory Museum is envisaged in Baku, following the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 3, 2020.

The Victory Park to be constructed on the 8 November Avenue will occupy an area of over 9 hectares. There will be 44 arches at the entrance. The arches embody the beginning of the symbolic road to Victory. The entrance portal will be 44 meters high and 22 meters wide. The names of Patriotic War heroes will be engraved on the arch.

A tree element in the upper part of the arch will create a vision of growth, symbolizing Azerbaijan, resilience, glory, a new life, and the symbolic path leading to Victory.


