

News 04 Oct 2023
A Memorandum signed between ASOIU and Don State Technical University of Russia

On October 4, the Rector of Don State Technical University in Russia, Professor Besarion Meskhi, along with the accompanying delegation, visited Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, welcomed the guests to the university and provided them with information about the educational and teaching process, international relations, scientific achievements, ongoing projects, and collaborations with foreign universities.

Professor Besarion Meskhi, the Rector of Don State Technical University in Russia, expressed gratitude for the warm reception and shared information about the specialties taught and current international projects at the university he represents. During the meeting, where specific collaboration directions were discussed, the conversation touched upon the development of joint educational programs, scientific projects, dual education initiatives, and the establishment of academic exchanges for students and teachers. The dialogue also covered the tasks and future objectives in implementing joint activities in these domains. Furthermore, discussions were held regarding the execution of bilateral projects, the development of strategic partnerships, and an exchange of ideas concerning collaboration priorities.

After exchanging memorabilia, the parties signed a Memorandum aimed at fostering collaboration in these and other areas.

The guests visited the university's history museum, the AzII E-Book House, laboratories, and the Mineralogy museum.


