

News 04 Oct 2023
A meeting was held at ASOIU within the framework of World Space Week

On October 4, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the "Space Science Symposium: Dialogue with Distinguished Scientists." The event took place in Azerbaijan within the framework of the second World Space Week organized by the Space Agency ("Azercosmos") under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, and it saw participation from experts and students in the field of space.

The interactive discussion, moderated by Asad Hasanov, a representative of Azerbaijan's Space Agency, featured insights from Professor Chingiz Hajiyev of Istanbul Technical University, Professor Abdulla Sofiyev of Istanbul Ticaret University, and Esmira Bayramova, the DevOps Manager of "Capella Space" company. They provided information on space research and studies discussed potential projects in this area, achievements in the space industry, and global trends.

It's worth noting that World Space Week has been held annually from October 4 to October 10 since the year 2000, following the decision of the United Nations General Assembly. The aim is to inspire and educate youth about the space sector and to foster innovation within the cosmic ecosystem. October 4 (1957) marks the day when Earth's first artificial satellite, "Sputnik-1," was launched into orbit. October 10 (1967) commemorates the signing of the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies," involving the cosmic realm. Azerbaijan became a part of this international initiative in 2015.
